May 2, 2013

My Favorite Mascara Secrets

To Prevent Clumps
Have you noticed that big glob of mascara that sits at the end of the wand when you pull it out of the tube?
If it’s on the brush, it will end up on your lashes. If you want a flawless application, remove it with a tissue before you
begin applying.

To Banish Clumps and Separate Lashes
While the mascara is still wet, lay a clean lash comb on the lashes and quickly pull it through. This will grab every clump while separating your
 lashes and extending their length.
(if you don’t have a lash comb, then wait until one of your mascaras run out. Clean the wand with some soap and water and
when it dries you’ll have your own comb)

To Add Extra Length
After you have applied all your coats of mascara, and let them dry completely, reload the wand and blink into the brush. The ends of your
lashes will grab a few extra coats and grow to gorgeous lengths.

To Make Lashes Even Fatter
After your first (and maybe second) coat of mascara, use an eye shadow brush to dust the lashes with a light coat of translucent powder.
The mascara will grab the powder, intensifying the thickening effect. Proceed with caution, too much powder will make you look like you just
globbed the mascara on. 

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